SIP Building Systems Ltd is a major supplier of SIP panels and has identified the self build housing market as the largest user of our panels; these are processed and predominantly supplied via SIP fabricators. SIP panels are used from a small extension up to a large executive new build property.
The self build market combined together is larger than any of the well known major house builders in the UK. SIP Building Systems Ltd are confident in saying a large detached house approx 400m² will cost on average £200 a year to heat.
SIP Building Systems Ltd - Expected Cost Evolution

Above information provided by independant sources
Affordable/Social/Modular Housing
With energy costs rising In the UK, governments are looking at ways to reduce fuel poverty and also develop carbon neutral homes. Owners and tenants are demanding greater thermal efficiency and improved energy performance in their buildings and homes.
The energy component of the Code forms the largest part and this is where our superior building envelope provides real competitive advantages.
SBS panels superior U Values, air tightness and reduced cold bridging means that we excel at our fabric first methodology. We have produced buildings with an air tightness below 1 air change per hour and with a heat loss of 2.8 kW.h per day. Note the average household heat loss is 150 kW.h per day.
Governments are using social housing as an example of buildings to be constructed using products such as SIPS to achieve the minimum requirements of the new Codes of practice in building regulations.